What is Gammapy? | Publications | Awards and Prizes
What is Gammapy?
Gammapy is an open-source Python package for gamma-ray analysis built on Numpy and Astropy.
It is used as core library for the Science Analysis Tool of Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), and can be used to analyse data from existing gamma-ray telescopes.
Gammapy is a community-developed, open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy. It is an in-development affiliated package of Astropy that builds on the core scientific Python stack to provide tools to simulate and analyse the gamma-ray sky for telescopes such as CTAO, H.E.S.S., VERITAS, MAGIC, HAWC and Fermi-LAT. Gammapy is a place for Python-coding gamma-ray astronomers to share their code and collaborate. Feature requests and contributions welcome! Likelihood fitting of the morphology and spectrum of gamma-ray sources (using Sherpa), including multi-mission joint likelihood analysis and physical SED modeling (using Naima) is one important feature we’re working on. But Gammapy has a broader scope, we currently have code e.g. for data handling, background modeling, source detection, easy access to commonly used datasets and catalogs, statistical methods, even simulating Galactic source populations.
When using Gammapy for your publication, please follow the citation scheme presented in the acknowledgment page in order to support the Gammapy team.
- A&A, 678, A157 (2023) - “Gammapy: A Python package for gamma-ray astronomy”
- A&A, 632, A72 (2019) - “Validation of open-source science tools and background model construction in γ-ray astronomy”
- A&A, 625, A10 (2019) - “Towards open and reproducible multi-instrument analysis in gamma-ray astronomy”
- 2017ICRC...35..766D - “Gammapy - A prototype for the CTA science tools”
- 2015ICRC…34..789D - “Gammapy: An open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy”
The full list of publications using Gammapy can be found with this link.
Awards and Prizes
- Feb. 2022: Jury Prize of the Open Science Awards Ceremony during the Paris Open Science European Conference - OSEC Press Release
- July 2021: Prize of the best poster for A. Donath during the 37th ICRC - ICRC announcement
- June 2021: Adoption of Gammapy as Science Analysis Tool package by the CTAO - CTAO Press Release